Live Generously
Your generosity matters to God. Living and giving generously results in the Kingdom of God being established in people and places that otherwise may not hear or receive the Gospel of Christ. Your generosity enables Appointed Church to move forward and share the love of God in our city, nation and world in tangible and effective ways.

Why We Give
We give because God gave. God gave us His Son, Jesus; He has given us the opportunity to be in relationship with Him; He has given us salvation; He has given us forgiveness, hope and peace; He has given us His Holy Spirit. He has called us to give and to deny ourselves, take up His cross and follow Him. If you have chosen to follow Christ, you are in relationship with the God of the universe. His heart. His mind. His characteristics will begin to show up in your life. Therefore generosity/giving is a result of knowing, loving and following Christ.
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